Energy and IT firms ar ramping up hiring and looking for grads with business prowess.
Here's whatsoever good news for prospective MBAs: Ninety-two pct of 2012 grads surveyed by the grade Management Admission Council had a transaction three months after graduation, a track record 6 portionage points better than that of the class before them. And 77 percent of those new hires said their salary met or exceeded their expectations.
The pickup in hiring is leading many recent b-school grads take away the traditionally well-worn paths into finance and consulting.
[Explore the Best Business inculcates rankings.]
" passage outcomes for MBAs argon far more diverse than they were five socio-economic classs ago," says Nunzio Quacquarelli, managing director of the higher education research firm Quacquarelli Symonds, whose a la mode(p) "Jobs and Salary Report" gives a shooter of what's going on at 3,305 employers around the world. Among the industries projected to lift up double-digit growth in MBA hiring this year: information technology and computer run, energy, and pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
Student interest is shifting, too, says Michelle Chevalier, director of the Graduate Business move Center at the University of Minnesota's Carlson groom of Management. Many of today's graduates are seeking—and finding—work with start-ups, nonprofits, and companies whose products and helps "benefit the world in some way," she says.
And the entrepreneurial ranks are expanding at b-schools across the country.
"I anticipate doing this full fourth dimension" after graduation, says Dan Wolchonok, who has focused on entrepreneurship at the Yale University School of Management and who, while still a student last year, win funding from the school's entrepreneurial institute to start PrepWork, a software-based service that acts as a personal research assistant.
[Discover how to stand out as a b-school applicant.]
On the international front, the virtually recent QS report projects that the demand for MBAs in Asia will grow by 26 percent in 2013 alone. India now has more reported openings for new MBA grads than this country does, says Quacquarelli.
To be sure, there is still interest—and plenty of hiring going on—in some of the more traditional fields, too. projects 9 percent growth in demand in consulting and professional work for 2012-2013, and 22 percent in electronics and high tech. People evoke in pecuniary services still face a bit of a challenge; QS estimates only 3 percent growth there.
"Financial and regulatory uncertainty have caused banks to be very cautious about hiring," says Lisa Feldman, executive director of MBA Career Management at the University of California—Berkeley's Haas School of Business.
When financial services companies do hire, they often pull directly from their summer internship programs, which means the hunt for a job really begins in the first year of an MBA program.
[See how b-schools are evolving their curricula.]
Materials taken from US News
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