"No one's gonna vote for whoever that queer puts up." --Aaryn Gries, 22
The "queer" this Texas college student is referring to is 26-year-old Andy Herren. They're both contestants on thefifteenthseason of CBS' Big Brother. This soundbite was caught via a 24/7 live feed that the suggestoffers up to its superfans. Those tuning in (and there are many) were adaptedto catch early(a)shards of homophobia, such as 28-year-old real landed estateagent Amanda Zuckerman calling Andy "Faggoty Ann," and 31-year-old railroad constructor Spencer Clawson dubbing him "Kermit the Fag."
Then there's the racism. GinaMarie Zimmerman, a 32-year-old pageant coordinator, said that housemate Helen, a 37-year-old political consultant, "should be snogour ass and serving us some fucking rice." An equal-opportunity offender, she was caught in another instance saying of the two black contestants, "You agnizetwo blacks stick together. They're like tokens."
Entertainment Weekly picked up the story, as did Us Weekly and The Hollywood Reporter, and a slew of other outlets. Pressure mounted on CBS to make a statement, so they offered this:
Gries' modeling agency, Zephyr Talent of Austin, Texas, announced that it had released her from her strikein a statement posted on Facebook:
Big pal12 contestant Ragan Fox penned an open letter to CBS stating:
A Change.org begurging CBS to oust Gries has even begun circulating.
With a twist added to the catameniaseason that allows viewers a say in apieceweek's eviction, it remains to be seen whether CBS will air this footage, and if so, whether it will progress toany impact on the game.
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Materials taken from The Huffington Post
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