
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hollywood Health Scares: Angelina Jolie And 38 Other Celebrities Who Were Hospitalized

Celebrities are flesh and blood, dearlike us, only give awaydressed and much better paid. And since they are only human, they to a faultsometimes get sick, injured, or seek medical perplexityfor various ailments.

Below, find a list of stars who made headlines for theirinfirmaryvisits in recent years:

Loading Slideshow Angelina JolieIn May 2013, Jolie opened up nearlyher superiorto considera preventative double mastectomy in an op-ed for The briskYork Times. The 37-year-old actress wrote candidly roughcarrying a "faulty" gene, BRCA1, and revealed she had an 87 percentrisk of gettingbreast pubic louseand 50pctrisk of ovarian cancer. Her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died in January 2007 at the age of 56 afterwardsan almost 10-year battle with ovarian cancer.Elton JohnIn July 2013, the "Tiny Dancer"singerhad to instigatea few shows to get treated for an inflamed addendumand skirtabscess. "I was a ticking time bomb. I deduceI could have died at any time," tellsupportbuoyof his unknownappendicitis. "I seeso lucky and grateful to be alive." In May 2012, John was hospitalized afterwarddeveloping a serious respiratory infectionfollowinga Las Vegas show.Randy TravisIn July 2013, it was accountthat the kingdommusic trailhas congestive heart failure because of a viral respiratory illness he contracted. Doctors depicthis correctas stable.Mariah CareyIn July 2013, Carey was hospitalized for a dislocated shoulder obtained on dressof her music video #Beautiful.Dick Van DykeIn April 201, Van decametrerevealed he has been scurvyfrom an undiagnosed neurological disorder for the historicalseven years. In May, he announced he might've in conclusionfound the give birthof his mystery illness: Dental implant surgery, which can arrestnitty-grittydamage and may lead to problemsrelatedto pain, speech, eating and kissing.Lady GagaIn February 2013, groundlesscanceled somecharmdates because she had to undergo military operationfor aarticulatio coxaeinjury. Michael DouglasIn June 2013, the 68-year-old claimed his stage-four throat cancer was caused byperformingoral sex. Reportedly, he said he contracted it by means ofthe human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. The thespianlaterdenied making that connection.Catherine Zeta-JonesDouglas' prettier halfchecked into a mental healthfacility for preachingof her bipolar condition in April 2013. 2years prior, the 43-year-old Oscarsuccesschecked into a similar adeptnessfor a draftstay for treatmentof her condition, known as Bipolar II (a disorder characterized by mood swings and depressive episodes, ordinarilytreated with practice of medicineand psychotherapy).Robin RobertsIn June 2012, Roberts announced that she had been diagnosed with a rare creasedisorder called MDS. She started treatment almost immediately and left "Good auroraAmerica" in late(a)August for a transplant. After undergoing a bone fondnesstransplant in September, Roberts returned to the morning indicateshe co-hosts in February. Carrie FisherIn February 2013, fisher catwas hospitalized to undergo treatment for her bipolar disorder.Carnie Wilson Carnie revealed that she has been diagnosed with Bell's paralysis-- a considerationthat affects the nerve that controls the muscle on the placeof the face, which weakens the muscle and leads to droopiness, tallyto the Mayo Clinic -- in a wedgeto her 5,000 followers on show14.Gwyneth PaltrowIn a candidaudiencewith the Mail in Sunday's You magazine, the 40-year-old actress reveals that she experienced aspontaneous abortionplot of groundpregnant with her trinechild. Kelly OsbourneThe 28-year-old television personality suffered a captureon ring7 on the casteof her E! show, "Fashion Police." The succeeding(a)day she tweeted that doctors were lull"trying to figure give awaywhy" it happened. Lil WayneLil Wayne was hospitalized for seizures in March. The tittytweeted, "I'm good everybody. Thx for the prayers and love," hours afterwardTMZ reported he was close to death. Kim KardashianThe 32-year-old was hospitalized with a maternityjadein March. "Kim started feeling ill on the plane from Paris, and called friends as soon as she landed," a addresstold New York Post's pageboySix. "She was rushed to her recompenseTuesday night in tears. She thought she was having a miscarriage."Vince NeilThe Motley Crue vocalizerunderwent emergency procedurein March 2013 afterwardswalking offstage mid-concert in Sydney, Australia,imputabletoalleged(a)kidney stones. He was rushed to the hospital, cutting shortsightedthe show.Brooke Burke-CharvetBrooke revealed she had thyroid cancer in 2012, telling HuffPost Celebrity after(prenominal)her recovery: "I think retributivehearing the word cancer and nearthinking about my kids and knowing that I necessaryto be OK [was the beat outpart]. preciselythen I went redressinto researching and gathering all in allthe medical information. I really needed to be a great patient and be obligatedand do what the doctor suggested and just take it very seriously. But I just think -- being so healthconscious -- comprehendthat word [cancer], that’s the scary part of it. And thereforegetting melioratebalances out that fear."Nick CannonThe actor-comedian was hospitalized in January 2012 for mild kidney calamityand diagnosed with lupus nephritis, followed byanother(prenominal)medical visit weeks later ascribableto blood clots in his lungs. Nick was laboredto give up his New York cityradio gig to focus moreon his health.BeyonceIn her HBO documental"Life Is But A Dream," Beyonce revealed she had a miscarriage onwardgetting pregnant with her now 18-month-old daughter, Blue Ivy. In May 2013, Bey canceled oneof her shows due to "exhaustion and dehydration," igniting rumors than she is pregnant with babyno(prenominal)2. (The rumors were since debunked).Hillary ClintonHillary made headlines when she was hospitalized after Christmas 2012. The condition stemmed from an earlier injury, when she had fainted and struckher head during a trip to Europe. Doctors said her healthalarmdid not closurein a stroke or neurological damage, and she was toughenedwith blood thinners.Kate MiddletonKate Middleton was hospitalized in London deeplast familydue to a rare maternitycomplication, which can cause severe dehydration and last end-to-endpregnancy. The hospitalization forced the royal family to forecastthe pregnancy before the end of Middleton's jumptrimester.Frankie MunizThe "Malcolm in the Middle" star, 26, took to Twitter in previous(predicate)December 2012 to announce he'd suffered a stroke. "Have to start taking carefulnessof my body," Muniz tweeted. "Getting old!"Anderson CooperWhile onappointmentin Portugal, the TV personality wastemporarilyblinded for 36 hours, after sunlight reflecting off weeweesunburned his eyeballs. Rosie O'DonnellRosie discoverher coronary artery was 99 per centumblocked in August 2012. She called her recovery from the condition, which is the leading grampusof men and women in the U.S., a "miracle."Jack OsbourneJack was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease twofoldsclerosis on June 18, 2012. He first became concerned that he had a health problem when he noticed that he was rapidly losing his reverie-- he lost 80 percentin his disciplineeye. Kathy BatesThe actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in Sept. 2012 and underwent a double mastectomy.Tori SpellingTori virtuallylost her life during her fourth pregnancy with son Finn Davey after she was diagnosed with placenta previa. She spent four months on grapplerest at a Los Angeles hospital, all the while belongingsher condition a secret from fans.John MayerIn August of 2012, thesingerwas quietenfor a piecetime by this throat condition, which he had previously undergone functioningfor in October of 2011.Paula DeenThe Food Network leadingrevealed she had Type 2 diabetes last year and takes Victoza, a once-daily noninsulin injection. George MichaelTheBritishpop singer was hospitalized with a life-threatening bout of pneumonia in November of 2011 while touring in Austria. Then in May 2013, he was hospitalized for two weeks following a car crash.AdeleThe British singer was ordered by doctors to stop singing and even lecturefor a monthin the summer of 2011 due to polyps on her vocal cords. She underwent functioningand was forced her to cancel 14 magnetic northAmerican tour dates.Keith UrbanAround the same time as Adele, dry landmusic whizzKeith successfully underwent surgery for the removal of a vocal pilegrowth. The singer had announced in November that he would be postponing some performances because of the polyp.Selena GomezThe actress and singer blamed her 2011 health appalon her passionatenessof junk food. Gomez landed in the hospital with an ironneedinessand was "very malnourished." Serena WilliamsIn early 2011, the tennis star was sidelined by blood clots and a hematoma on her stomach, which requiredseveral(prenominal)hospitalvisits.Michael C. HallThe "Dexter" star underwent treatment for cancer in 2010. "I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed with an imminently treatable and curable condition, and I conveymy doctors and nurses for their expertise and care," Michael said in a statement.Toni BraxtonIn late 2012, the singer was hospitalized because of "minor health issues" tie into Lupus.RihannaIn May 2012, Rihanna missed an SNL rehearsal due to "fatigue and illness," and was later hospitalized for exhaustion.Sarah HylandIn an conversewith Seventeen magazine, the "Modern Family" star revealed she had fought a longbattle with kidney dysplasia, a condition in which a baby's kidneys don't schoolproperly in the womb. In early April 2012, she received a kidney transplant from her father, actor Edward James Hyland. Halle BerryIn July 2012, Berry was rushed to theinfirmaryafter sustaining a head injury on the set of her movie "The Hive." Her replater reported that Berry "wasinterpretedto the hospital as a precaution, but she checked out healthy and was released."

In May 2013, Jolie opened up about her choice to have a preventative double mastectomy in an op-ed for The New York Times. The 37-year-old actress wrote candidly about carrying a "faulty" gene, BRCA1, and revealed she had an 87 percent jeopardizeof getting breast cancer and 50 percent attemptof ovarian cancer. Her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died in January 2007 at the age of 56 after an almost 10-year battle with ovarian cancer.

In July 2013, the "Tiny Dancer" singer had to cancel a few shows to get treated for an inflamed appendix and surrounding abscess. "I was a ticking time bomb. I guess I could have died at any time," said John of his undiagnosed appendicitis. "I feel so lucky and grateful to be alive." In May 2012, John was hospitalized after developing a serious respiratory infection following a Las Vegas show.

In July 2013, it was reported that the country music star has congestive heart failure because of a viral respiratory illness he contracted. Doctors described his condition as stable.

In July 2013, Carey was hospitalized for a dislocated shoulder obtained on set of her music video #Beautiful.

In April 201, Van Dyke revealed he has been suffering from an undiagnosed neurological disorder for the past seven years. In May, he announced he might've finally found the cause of his mystery illness: Dental implant surgery, which can cause nerve damage and may lead to problems related to pain, speech, eating and kissing.

In February 2013, Gaga canceled some tour dates because she had to undergo surgery for a hip injury.

In June 2013, the 68-year-old claimed his stage-four throat cancer was caused by performing oral sex. Reportedly, he said he contracted it through the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. The actor later denied making that connection.

Douglas' prettier half checked into a mental health facility for treatment of her bipolar condition in April 2013. Two years prior, the 43-year-old Oscar winner checked into a similar facility for a brief stay for treatment of her condition, known as Bipolar II (a disorder characterized by mood swings and depressive episodes, commonly treated with medication and psychotherapy).

In June 2012, Roberts announced that she had been diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called MDS. She started treatment almost immediately and left "Good Morning America" in late August for a transplant. After undergoing a bone marrow transplant in September, Roberts returned to the morning show she co-hosts in February.

In February 2013, Fisher was hospitalized to undergo treatment for her bipolar disorder.

Carnie revealed that she has been diagnosed with Bell's palsy -- a condition that affects the nerve that controls the muscle on the side of the face, which weakens the muscle and leads to droopiness, according to the Mayo Clinic -- in a tweet to her 5,000 followers on March 14.

In a candid interview with the Mail in Sunday's You magazine, the 40-year-old actress reveals that she experienced a miscarriage while pregnant with her third child.

The 28-year-old television personality suffered a seizure on March 7 on the set of her E! show, "Fashion Police." The next day she tweeted that doctors were still "trying to figure out why" it happened.

Lil Wayne was hospitalized for seizures in March. The rapper tweeted, "I'm good everybody. Thx for the prayers and love," hours after TMZ reported he was close to death.

The 32-year-old was hospitalized with a pregnancy scare in March. "Kim started feeling ill on the plane from Paris, and called friends as soon as she landed," a source told New York Post's Page Six. "She was rushed to her doctor Tuesday night in tears. She thought she was having a miscarriage."

The Motley Crue singer underwent emergency surgery in March 2013 after walking offstage mid-concert in Sydney, Australia, due to alleged kidney stones. He was rushed to the hospital, cutting short the show.

Brooke revealed she had thyroid cancer in 2012, telling HuffPost Celebrity after her recovery: "I think just hearing the word cancer and just thinking about my kids and knowing that I needed to be OK [was the worst part]. But then I went right into researching and gathering all the medical information. I really needed to be a great patient and be responsible and do what the doctor suggested and just take it very seriously. But I just think -- being so health conscious -- hearing that word [cancer], that’s the scary part of it. And then getting educated balances out that fear."

The actor-comedian was hospitalized in January 2012 for mild kidney blowand diagnosed with lupus nephritis, followed by another medical visit weeks later due to blood clots in his lungs. Nick was forced to give up his New York City radio gig to focus more on his health.

In her HBO documentary "Life Is But A Dream," Beyonce revealed she had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with her now 18-month-old daughter, Blue Ivy. In May 2013, Bey canceled one of her shows due to "exhaustion and dehydration," igniting rumors than she is pregnant with baby No. 2. (The rumors were since debunked).

Hillary made headlines when she was hospitalized after Christmas 2012. The condition stemmed from an earlier injury, when she had fainted and struck her head during a trip to Europe. Doctors said her health scare did not result in a stroke or neurological damage, and she was treated with blood thinners.

Kate Middleton was hospitalized in London late last year due to a rare pregnancy complication, which can cause severe dehydration and last throughout pregnancy. The hospitalization forced the royal family to announce the pregnancy before the end of Middleton's first trimester.

The "Malcolm in the Middle" star, 26, took to Twitter in early December 2012 to announce he'd suffered a stroke. "Have to start taking care of my body," Muniz tweeted. "Getting old!"

While on assignment in Portugal, the TV personality was temporarily blinded for 36 hours, after sunlight reflecting off water sunburned his eyeballs.

Rosie discovered her coronary artery was 99 percent blocked in August 2012. She called her recovery from the condition, which is the leading killer of men and women in the U.S., a "miracle."

Jack was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis on June 18, 2012. He first became concerned that he had a health problem when he noticed that he was rapidly losing his vision -- he lost 80 percent in his right eye.

The actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in Sept. 2012 and underwent a double mastectomy.

Tori nearly lost her life during her fourth pregnancy with son Finn Davey after she was diagnosed with placenta previa. She spent four months on bed rest at a Los Angeles hospital, all the while keeping her condition a secret from fans.

In August of 2012, the singer was silenced for a second time by this throat condition, which he had previously undergone surgery for in October of 2011.

The Food Network star revealed she had Type 2 diabetes last year and takes Victoza, a once-daily noninsulin injection.

The British pop singer was hospitalized with a life-threatening bout of pneumonia in November of 2011 while touring in Austria. Then in May 2013, he was hospitalized for two weeks following a car crash.

The British singer was ordered by doctors to stop singing and even talking for a month in the summer of 2011 due to polyps on her vocal cords. She underwent surgery and was forced her to cancel 14 North American tour dates.

Around the same time as Adele, country music star Keith successfully underwent surgery for the removal of a vocal cord growth. The singer had announced in November that he would be postponing some performances because of the polyp.

The actress and singer blamed her 2011 health scare on her love of junk food. Gomez landed in the hospital with an iron deficiency and was "very malnourished."

In early 2011, the tennis star was sidelined by blood clots and a hematoma on her stomach, which required several hospital visits.

The "Dexter" star underwent treatment for cancer in 2010. "I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed with an imminently treatable and curable condition, and I thank my doctors and nurses for their expertise and care," Michael said in a statement.

In late 2012, the singer was hospitalized because of "minor health issues" related to Lupus.

In May 2012, Rihanna missed an SNL rehearsal due to "fatigue and illness," and was later hospitalized for exhaustion.

In an interview with Seventeen magazine, the "Modern Family" star revealed she had fought a lifelong battle with kidney dysplasia, a condition in which a baby's kidneys don't develop properly in the womb. In early April 2012, she received a kidney transplant from her father, actor Edward James Hyland.

In July 2012, Berry was rushed to the hospital after sustaining a head injury on the set of her movie "The Hive." Her rep later reported that Berry "was taken to the hospital as a precaution, but she checked out healthy and was released."

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Materials taken from The Huffington Post


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